Thursday 5 March 2015

What's More Important than GIVING

Hello Famz,

Happy New Month!
 It’s our month of MARCHING INTO GREATNESS. I am so excited about this month because it is my Month ...........In case you don't know am gonna be a year older this month and I can tell you that of a truth God has been faithful to me............ yuppie!!! And the countdown has begun 5 days to go.

Come to think of it the first quarter don waka com mot ooh. Chai!!!(What have I been doing?

 Last month was the month of loving and I'm sure you guys had a great time like I did with my Boo (val tinzs). However, this month I think we should be GIVING as we have been receiving because "No one has ever become poor by giving...Anne Frank"

I feel so strongly about giving this month not only because it is my birthday, but because if we say we love, we should also give "You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving.” ― Amy Carmichael.

 So this month I encourage “US” to show some more love by giving. We certainly do not have to start "Big" by going to the orphanage or old people’s home (even though I think we should too if we can) I believe there is someone with a need next door we can meet.

If we will not be remembered for the cloth we wear, the house(s) we live in, or the certificate(s) we get, then we should touch lives by show one Act of Random Kindness-ARK (Evans Almighty) 

I don't wanna be a hypocrite just like the Lousy preacher who does nothing but says it all, So I will be kicking off my "giving practice" by visiting an orphanage this month as a way of saying thank you to God and sharing the love.(So help Me God)

On a lighter note for those who wish to give to me as part of their "giving practice" I have a wish list or maybe I should call it gift list....
  •  An acoustic guitar, 
  • Cannon 600D camera, 
  • On my behalf, please you could also visit an orphanage or an old people’s home.
Keep giving and watch obstacles give way for you till you get to the top!

Also watch out for my graphic text post coming soon..........

Love you all to the Marrow XOXO

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