Thursday 12 June 2014

I will break what about you?

I will break what about you?

My friends who read this will definitely know this is not the usual pattern my write ups take. I love writing poems, think up ideas, and execute them. May be that’s why they call me “activation mama”. But these past few days have been different. I sit by my system at work and I feel that there could be more to my life or should I say our lives than this. Maybe my recent discomfort is a resultant effect of Michael Stampley’s songs that I have been listening to, but trust me, I have been more discomforted that ever.
I will reveal my daily activities for some weeks now so you will see where I’m coming from. For some days now, this is what I have been doing: WARNING (you should keep this a secret). I know that the best way to spread ones gist is to tell the person you are telling it is a secret. This is my secret (I hope you will be able to keep it)

I don’t read anything new about things that inspire me toward greater accomplishment, my job, career development, I barely relate with people or attend social functions. I wake up late on work days leave my house 7:30 for work (given the fact that the distance from my house to my office is just a 30mins drive). I eat late, don’t complete personal project and fail to meet deadlines. If I ever go to church on a Sunday and I do not sleep all through the sermon, I’ll most definitely ping, tweet or chat my way through with my Palasa phone of 20k, hang out with the wrong set of peeps........( I hope you don’t see yourself in this mirror) the list of my newly developed habit is endless, i tell you! I Know what you are thinking ohhhhhhhh (so that is what you have been doing abi?)------------------this retrospection is just doing it for me.
If you like go and tell people you know, but be sure I will hear—as they say in my language walls have ears---------- (ogri leti)
#my motive of writing nevertheless is not to get my reader worried about my trouble or discomfort (cos you know fit use panadol for another person headache) but to make you feel discomforted as I am YES. #I can say it again and again MAKE YOU FEEL DICOMFORTED, JUST LIKE I AM.
I don’t know what you are thinking but trust me; one question I’ve not stopped to ask universally is this: the scripture says we have this treasure hidden in earthen vessel! Then who is the vessel, where are the treasure? It is either you don’t know you are the earthen vessel with the treasure or you cannot fathom carrying anything speak less of treasure. ---------- May be its because we are used to carrying our phone, Tabs, car keys Gucci bags , 25carat gold wrist watches and the likes; so we cannot see or  do not look deeper for better treasures.
I am downright not a motivational orator and so you should know what I am write is not to motivate you. It’s no self talk, or one of those self help things they ask you to do. 10 steps to greatness, 20 ways to become who you want to be, daily guide to unlimited success and the likes. You know them abi?– I see you nodding and mentioning the best seller now......hmm nawa oo you self don read die!
Anyways like my colleagues would say a diehard will always be a die hard. Still I feel there is more to my life than been a diehard at my regular to do list that never changes day in day out. Something in me tells me change will change me even when I do not realize I have been changed.
So before I get ‘changed’, I advice that I change (change could be positive or negative remember).
The feeling might not be mutual at this point for you. Without reservation we all get to the point when we say I AM TRIED OF THE STATUOS QUO, IT HAS GOT TO BE MORE THAN THIS!– then we become desperate to do better things for ourselves, lives, families, communities, friends, and nation. At least one of my oga don talk  say  self government, na the best form of government to top am he come talk say we be the  government.
 I submit at this point to go back to the drawing board of my life. Re-plan, Re-strategies, Re-activate and start been who that I was designed to be. I resolve to break the earthen vessel and allow the treasure flow out. What about you?

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