Monday 9 November 2015

Early to start, Early to Rise

How una dey my people,

"Early to bed, early to rise, Makes a Man Healthy, wealthy and wise." ( Do you remember that primary school rhyme).

At some point we were saying Happy New Year and now we are thinking of the year coming to an end. Just how time flies Thanksgiving is around the corner and you sure know Black Friday will be here soon too. (Sales Slash- you can check your favorite online store for promo details).

I’m excited the year is coming to an end and I’m also worried some goals have not be achieved

Honestly, this year has been, eventful for me because I have failed in places I wanted to, succeed and I have succeed, in places victory was not the norm. However the determining factor as to whether I have succeed or failed has been written down GOALS not wishful thinking.

S.M.A.R.T. goals

S. specific.
A. achievable.
R. results-focused.
Ttime- bound.

This is absolutely the best time to begin to carry out a personal audit of how you have performed this year.

It is the best time to plan what you new year “campaign theme” would be, it is the best time to decide what you want to spend the next 365 days doing all things been equal.

Above all else, I am determined to set more dangerous goal for 2016 and beyond, I have resolved to bite more than I can chew and ask God to help me through it all, since risk taking is a part of life, I am willing to take on more calculated risk than ever, I am resolute that the better is second to best and the best is only the best.

So dearest, invest in the future by reading, buy books relating to the areas you wish to improve on, invest time in practicing what you read about, think positively and speak positively.

Remember “the future you can have is the future you created in the realm of your imagination”

Thought are real.  Your Goals are achievable.

The rest of the week can only be better. keeping Learning, Loving and Living

XoXo ciao

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