Tuesday 17 May 2016


Hello country people,

Happy 3, 4, 5 days and increase in fuel price + 4  tomato @ #500. 

Anyways, there is a place to choose either to stay happy and joyful in the place of life(Nigeria's) challenges or join the band wagon to complain and feel frustrated all year long. choose to see the good side of every situation. Remember sey sompipul dey make more money as the fuel dey cost soo.

Today's post is dedicated to all Sunday, Sunday worshipers in the house.

Did you know that going to church more often could save you from dying early? can i get an Amen to this...

Yes i mean Women who worship once a week are '25 per cent less likely to die early'? 
whether you believe it or not?

click here to read more

Wednesday 17 February 2016

PERCEPTION- The Elephant and the blind Men

Hello Peeps,

How una, dey. Happy valentine in arrears and hope you had a great time hanging out with your family and lovers?  

So now that valentine is over, and gift have stopped exchanging hands, I think it’s time to redirect energy and understand that life is about perception. Perception is one subject of psychology that I wish I know more about. 

The concept of perception is one that comes in twist and turns. What you seem to see, might not be the reality. This explains why “all that glitter is not gold" while some are, costume material or sequin. * Laugh*

I read the Indian Story of the Elephant and the five blind men -  

Once upon a time, an elephant came to a small town.  People had read and heard of elephants but no one in the town had ever seen one.  Thus, a huge crowd gathered around the elephant, and it was an occasion for great fun, especially for the children.  Five blind men also lived in that town, and consequently, they also heard about the elephant.  They had never seen an elephant before, and were eager to find out about elephant.
Then, someone suggested that they could go and feel the elephant with their hands.  They could then get an idea of what an elephant looked like. The five blind men went to the center of the town where all the people made room for them to touch the elephant.
Later on, they sat down and began to discuss their experiences.  One blind man, who had touched the trunk of the elephant, said that the elephant must be like a thick tree branch.  Another who touched the tail said the elephant probably looked like a snake or rope.  The third man, who touched the leg, said the shape of the elephant must be like a pillar.  The fourth man, who touched the ear, said that the elephant must be like a huge fan; while the fifth, who touched the side, said it must be like a wall.
They sat for hours and argued, each one was sure that his view was correct.  Obviously, they were all correct from their own point of view, but no one was quite willing to listen to the others.  Finally, they decided to go to the wise man of the village and ask him who was correct.  The wise man said, “Each one of you is correct; and each one of you is wrong.   Because each one of you had only touched a part of the elephant’s body.  Thus you only have a partial view of the animal.  If you put your partial views together, you will get an idea of what an elephant looks like.”

The moral of the story is this, you are not the only one who is RIGHT, the other person is. Knowledge is limited and subject to change. What I know today may become obsolete tomorrow. Even your reflection in the river is right until it get distorted. 


We just need to be a little more patient and attentive to other people’s ideas opinion, suggestion, and angles to issues. They are RIGHT IN THEIR OWN RIGHT!

The world doesn’t revolve around me, I need you to grow, learn, be better and achieve greatness.

Enjoy the rest of your week. I love yah 


Friday 5 February 2016


 Each of us needs to say a prayer like this everyday: Welcome to the month of LOVE

"I cannot dance, O Lord,
Unless You lead me.
If You wish me to leap joyfully,
Let me see You dance and sing --
Then I will leap into Love --
And from Love into Knowledge,
And from Knowledge into the Harvest,
That sweetest Fruit beyond human sense.

There I will stay with You, whirling."

Wednesday 27 January 2016

Lens & Cameras: WAR ROOM

My country, people the longest of all months (January) is gradually shutting down and I’m so glad we will be done with it, in a few days... 11 more to go... the Countdown to taking territories has began.

So two weeks ago, I saw a movie that is currently the talk of the town and still is, because upon it's release, it hit the number one spot displacing "Straight Outta Compton” that had maintained the number one spot in cinemas in the US.  I also learnt a Pastor encouraged his congregation to watch the movie as a family over the weekend. The much talked about movie is still a blockbuster despite the fact that it was first released  28th of August 2015 in the USA and also reached a box office hit of 72.1 million USD. 

Do you remember Fireproof? Facing the giant nko? What about Courageous and Flying wheels?  or their producers- The Kendrick Brothers ? Okay i guess you should know now...

It is "WAR ROOM". The movie according to the Producers " is a compelling Christian drama that explores the power that prayer can have on marriage, parenting, career, friendship, and every other area of our life.

The main characters of the movie Tony(T.C. Stallings) and Elizabeth( Priscilla Shirer) Jordan - seemingly had it all together like most of us do, but in reality their world was gradually crumbling under the strain of a failing marriage.  As Tony's quest for career success and flirts with temptation continued, Elizabeth’s bitterness only increased.

As their lives took an unexpected turn, Elizabeth’s newest client, Miss Clara (Karen Abercrombie),  challenges her to establish a prayer “war room” and a battle plan of prayer for her family. As she began to seriously pray for her husband, the situation turns around for the better. In the end, the Jordan family became more loving and stronger while Miss Clara, moved in with her son who is the city manager, still praying with thanksgiving for others even in the stillness of the night.

The movie produced by the Kendrick brother though still the talk of town majorly for Nigerian Audience, has enjoyed mixed review from critics who think the movie offers a view of Christian devotion involving only trivial sacrifices. 

Personally, I love the movie because it births/re-awakens that sense of “life as a battle field” consciousness in me. You suddenly realize that Prayer does move mountains and changes everything.

You can watch War Room Movie Trailer here  and share your thought after viewing.

So to wrap this up, remember that you can create your own war room and customize your wall of remembrance.

When talking of Coffee don’t forget that “People drink their coffee hot or cold. Nobody likes it lukewarm, not even the Lord” *wink*

Have a great week. Keep shining the light…

Friday 22 January 2016


Reading is one of the greatest hobby you can ever engage in. "Sometimes in 2014, I wrote about how   I keep having urges which is a major product of my reading habit. Many bloggers would agree with me that reading wide, is one major way of developing good content for one's Target audience (TA). You can certainly never out-read yourself. In fact the Process of reading is like searching for lines of treasure in ink and print.( e-copy's included)

I love to read and like one of my lecturers back in the days use to say "I am a voracious reader, I read a lot". over the years however I have come to the following conclusion about reading:

  1. You cannot read all the books ever published- Doing this will be tantamount to suicide 
  2. If you read a chapter per day you will most likely have read 365 chapters in a year.
  3. Reading will help you reduce stress-that's why sometimes we sleep off while reading( let those who are for this motion say I- the I's have it) 
  4. If you read one book per week you will have read 52 books in a year
  5. Reading and studying are not the same thing
  6. The most read books are the holy books and very few people take time to study them. if they do, the world would have come across the word LOVE which makes the world a better place.
  7.  The best way to learn the usage of new words, is by reading books- it improves your vocabulary (That intelligent feeling you have after reading something new)
  8. Books contain the wisdom, learning and experience of the Author which is more valuable than its cost price. 
  9. Research as shown that reading can prevent Alzheimer- if you read you will know how. 
  10. Reading has therapeutic benefits.
  11. Reading helps to improve your ability to write better. 
  12. Reading helps you to make informed decision.
  13. It helps to improve concentration and focus
  14. It helps to boost self confidence- That feeling of knowing something others don't.
  15. One book at a time can change your life for good.
So as we begin this year, and this weekend ensure to read one book at a time.

Love yah Xoxo....

Wednesday 13 January 2016


Happy New Year....

2015, exited the calendar to usher in a new leap year and you should know by now that every leap year comes with an opportunity to leap forward. This is one of the reasons I am grateful to God you made it into 2016 the year of..................... ( fill in the gap as declared in your own Church) but for me, it is the year of Taking territories *smile*

An Average Nigerians begins the New Year at the watch night service making 1001 resolutions about what will not be done in the New Year. Goals, Resolutions, blown away mid year by the hustle of the city. The Government/ financial institution also on its part, publishes different document on what the year holds economically.
As there are predictions as to what to expect in the year, 2016 for us (me and You), presents itself as a good year to undo the errors of last year, restart and recreate  what you want in the year. I remember we began 2015 with the post on Just how time flies.. and I projected that I would at least  upload two fresh post every week alas... I was only opportune to upload 13 throughout the whole year... (Not so impressive shey? - at all, at all na ehn bad pass,)

Most assuredly, I am not the only one who, did not achieve all set goals, and target for 2015. Your set goals might not be the same as mine but I can definitely tell you that you have the key to unlock greater opportunity and so, 2016 opened up to you.

Dear Friend, as we begin this new year, write new daring goals for yourself, set new standards to live your dream and do the impossible. Dream new Dreams

Let me close with these words of Marianne Deborah Williamson an American spiritual teacher, author and lecturer:

 ”Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others"

Restart, Refresh, Recreate.

Welcome to 2016...

Friday 13 November 2015



Thank God its Friday, finally my lazy bone I can get to rest for more hours during the night and also study a bit more for...(fingers Crossed)

okay,(clear throat) my last post was inspired by this post and this post is the post you should read. I found out will surfing so RELAX, READ and RE-POST... Lol 
Happy weekend...

Our 20s fly by before we know it, and we want to make sure we did the decade justice. Did we worry about the right things? Are we where we should be now? The best way to prepare for those questions and answer them to the best of our abilities, is to make sure spend time on what really matters and what may help us in the future. We took a look at a Quora thread that had great advice for people in their 20s who may be wondering what some of the important things to invest time in may be, and here is what we found.
1. Network.
If you form a solid mainstay of people, you are exposed to more opportunities and potential for success in both your career and in your personal life. Build bridges, because you never know when you might be looking to cross them. As Karan Jaiswani put it, “the 20s are all about utilizing your today and structuring your future.”
2. Read. A lot.
There is nothing more productive than taking the time to read. Read whatever you can get your hands on—current news, nonfiction, fiction, career advice, self-help books—anything! The more you know and understand about people around you, yourself and the world, the more easily and successfully you can navigate those very things.

“This will keep your mind stimulated and open to ideas. You will get a number of ideas for each author that you can implement in your life. You will also get opinions from across the globe,” Rizwan Aseem says.

3. Take care of your body.
Making time at night to wash your face, exercise, and remembering to apply (and reapply) sunscreen may not be on the top of your priority list, but it should be. General health care is something that, later in life, you will be glad you considered in your 20s. As Aseem points out, “No matter what you do in your life, you will do it in your body. You can’t replace it, get a new one, or trade it in. This is your body and you will live in it.”
4. Use your time and money on education.
Education is an invaluable resource that you’re unlikely to ever regret having. Money is well spent when it is used to broaden your mind and pool of knowledge, especially when honing skills to be applied to your career path. Anuj Kumar advises you to “try different things and find out where your passion lies… and then find ways to make a career doing that, adding that “if you need further education, get it.”
5. Pay attention to your mental health and well-being.
While your physical health is extremely important, investing time into taking care of your mind should not be forgotten. Stimulate it, challenge it, be conscious of what you’re exposing it to daily, and take care of yourself. Aseem makes the point that, “The mind, like anything else, has the characteristics of a muscle. You use it, or lose it. And as long as you are using it, it will remain fit and healthy. The minutes you stop using it, it will decay and rust.” So use it!
6. Learn new skills (and master them).
While the advice to “follow your passion” can be good in the general sense, Joh

n. J. Bowman urges those in their 20s to master and control a set of skills that can be used to benefit you within the field you are passionate about.

7. Create and maintain good habits.
The hardest part of creating good habits is getting started, but once you’re able to master them, they’ll have an undeniably positive impact on your day-to-day as well as your future, because, as Rizwan notes, “once a habit is established it lasts for a life time.”
8. Build meaningful relationships.
Now is the time to drop the fair-weather friends and make time only for those who are really going to stick around and be positive forces in your life. As you mature, so should your relationships, so you don’t have time to waste on people who will be harmful rather than helpful in your pursuit of your future goals.
9. Eat well.
Spend time planning meals, learning healthy recipes, and overall taking what you’re eating into consideration regularly. Gone are the days when donuts, chips, and sodas can pass as a full day’s meal. Even it if takes a little more time and effort, your future self will thank you when you find yourself maintaining your energy and healthy body as you age.
10. Establish a system for handling finances.
Sit down and figure out how you are spending money, what you are spending it on, and what your ongoing expenses are. “If you take care of your finances starting today they will take care of you when you most need them. When you are old, or sick, or sending your kids to school, or helping a parent through sickness. Your finances will help you,” Aseem says. Big pitfalls to avoid: bad business opportunities (if it seems to good to be true—it is), overuse of credit cards, and choosing not to save or put money aside for a rainy day.
11. Travel.
In your 20s, you’re full of enthusiasm and energy and usually have the mobility to indulge a bit of wanderlust. So indulge it. Experience new cultures, countries, and challenges. You will learn things that you can take with you and apply to your life back at home.
12. Communicate with loved ones.
Make an effort to remember birthdays, holidays, and important events. Your family and close friends can act as your support system when you need it, but you should put the time in and return the favor. Small gestures that show you’re thinking about the people who love you go a long way, so take the extra five minutes to write a nice card and stick it in the mail, or schedule that quick Skype call—you won’t regret it.
13. Examine what you really want in life.
It’s easy to get caught up in the everything going on throughout your 20s, and people often forget to actually sit down and contemplate what it is they really want. Tonya Turpin advised that you “actively, and with intent, become aware of the world and everything it holds. Not just about the outside world, but also the one in your head. Spend time alone because it is the only true way to get to know yourself. Be curious and question everything.” Make the time to figure out what you love, and map out a plan of how to get it.

Original post by: POPSUGAR.